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While the library remains closed to the public, staff is working on alternate ways to reach out to the community and provide access to legal information. This past month, we were happy to partner with local legal aid organizations for a Virtual resource fair, held on Jan. 22, 10am-2pm. This event was held on Zoom and featured speakers from Inland Counties Legal Services (ICLS) , Inland Empire Latino Lawyers Assocation (IELLA), Riverside Superior Court Self Help (Self Help), Riverside County Department of Child Support Services (DCSS), and a staff member from our team. The intent of the resource fair was for participating organizations to share who they were, what their organization does, and how to access services.
Highlights from the presentations are:
As services change with Riverside County’s Covid-19 restrictions we would like to offer this program again, to provide the most up-to-date information to our community. We are also looking into offering the program in Spanish or with translations. While adapting to Covid-19 restrictions, we remain committed to our goal of facilitating access and use of available legal and information resources.
You can watch recordings of the presentation on our YouTube channel at and if you’d like a copy of the presentation slides, please contact library staff at
Written by: Jenna Pontious, Public Services Librarian