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With the November election fast approaching and voting being a major news topic, you may be wondering what you should know as a voter. RCLL is here to help.
RCLL is committed to free and open access to the law for the public, and that includes election and voting laws. We compiled a nonpartisan resource guide that covers voter registration, important dates, candidate names and campaign sites, funding, and helpful websites to learn more about elections and fact-checking. This resource guide will be available on our website through the election.
Leading up to Election day on Nov. 3, we will offer programs via Zoom on the topic of voting. On Sept. 22, National Voter Registration Day, we are partnering with the Riverside County Registrar of Voters office to give the basics of registering to vote and a brief overview of the voting process. You can register for that program here. Next, we’ll partner with the League of Women Voters to hold a program on Thurs. Oct. 1 at 4pm that will review the 12 ballot measures of the November election. You can register for that event here. On Oct. 16 at 12pm we will host a MCLE book talk for .5 MCLE credit on the book Our Time is Now by Stacey Abrams and featuring a presentation on California’s Voting Rights Act. Registration will be available soon for this event.
We hope these programs and resource guide provide useful information for you and encourage you to go out and vote by mail or in person for the Nov. 3 election. To quote Stacey Abrams “vote because we deserve leaders who see us, who hear us and who are willing to act on our demands.”[1]
When asked “what voting means to you?”, a few of our staff said:
[1]Abrams, Stacey I Know Voting Feels Inadequate Right Now pub. June 4, 2020
Written by: Jenna Pontious, Public Services Librarian