About Us / General Information
Are you the self-help center?
Are you the self-help center?
No, the Riverside Superior Court's Self-Help Center is located in the same building as our Main Library on the second floor. Their entrance is on 10th Street where you can find an elevator to take you to the second floor. The library's entrance is on Lemon Street. We do not have public access to the second floor through the library. Additionally, the Self-Help Center's on-site hours are very limited. You will need to call them first at (951) 274-4499 to schedule an appointment.
In Indio, the Self-Help Center is located next door to the Library in the Larson Justice Center. Probate and Small Claims self-help can be found in the Palm Springs courthouse.
In Temecula, the nearest Self-Help Center is located in Murrieta at the Southwest Justice Center on Auld Road.
Are you open to the public?
Are you open to the public?
Yes, our Riverside and Indio locations are open Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm.
Our Law Resource Center inside the Temecula Public Library is open Tuesday - Thursday, 10am - 4pm.
What are the library's hours and locations?
What are the library's hours and locations?
Branches are located in Riverside, Indio, and Temecula. For locations, hours, and contact information, visit Locations & Hours.
Where can I park?
Where can I park?
Free parking is available for library users at our Indio and Temecula branches. Paid parking is available at the Riverside branch. Visit Parking for more information on parking.
What types of materials does the library have? Are they free?
What types of materials does the library have? Are they free?
The Library maintains a collection of state and federal statutes, codes, and regulations; local codes and ordinances; California and federal practice guides; form books; legal encyclopedias; law reviews and journals, as well as online legal databases. All are free to use. Visit Legal Databases for latest database availability. Visit eBooks for information on using the digital library.
The Library also has a small collection of MCLE self-study materials for check out. Attorneys and judges needing such credit may check out a physical or digital MCLE title.
Can I check out materials?
Can I check out materials?
The Library is non-circulating, meaning our materials are not available for checkout. They are available for use inside of the library only. We do have a Lexis Digital Library of ebooks that can be checked out by the public, and a collection of self-study MCLE materials that can be checked out by attorneys and judges.
How do I donate to the library?
How do I donate to the library?
Thank you for your interest in donating to the Library! All inquiries regarding donations of books and other non-monetary materials should be directed to the Acquisitions & Metadata Librarian at (951) 368-0362 or rhonda.cloud@rclawlibrary.org. All inquiries regarding monetary donations should be directed to the Director at (951) 368-0360 or victoria.williamson@rclawlibrary.org
Do you have public computers and/or WiFi?
Do you have public computers and/or WiFi?
Yes, the Library has public computer and WiFi access at all branches. The Main Library and Indio Branch have password-protected public computer and WiFi access. Passwords can be requested at the information desk. Visit our Computers, WiFi, and Copiers webpage for more info.
Do you have copy machines?
Do you have copy machines?
Yes, all of our branches have copy machines available for use at a charge by the public.
How do I rent a conference room?
How do I rent a conference room?
The Main Library and Indio Branch have conference rooms available for public use. Visit Conference Rooms for information on amenities and rates.
Do you provide legal advice? Can you tell me which forms I need or how to fill forms out?
Do you provide legal advice? Can you tell me which forms I need or how to fill forms out?
The Library can refer patrons to appropriate legal resources, but cannot provide legal advice. We can assist patrons in locating forms, but we cannot select forms or assist in the preparation of forms. To learn more about the difference between legal information and legal advice, please visit this brochure.
How do I access legal research databases (e.g. Westlaw, Lexis, CEB)?
How do I access legal research databases (e.g. Westlaw, Lexis, CEB)?
All of our branches have access to several online databases, including (but not limited to) Westlaw, LexisNexis, and CEB OnLAW. To see a full list of databases and their availability, visit Legal Databases.
Do you have tax forms?
Do you have tax forms?
Yes, the Library receives some tax forms that are available for the public to take during tax season every year. We also have master forms from previous years and can direct you to forms on www.irs.gov.
How do I make a book suggestion?
How do I make a book suggestion?
The Library welcomes your recommendations for book additions to the collection. Please complete this form to provide details that will help us review your request, then email it to the Acquisitions & Metadata Librarian at rhonda.cloud@rclawlibrary.org or return the form in person to one of our 3 locations.
Classes and Events
What types of classes and events does the library have?
What types of classes and events does the library have?
Visit our Calendar and Eventbrite for upcoming classes and events. You can also learn about classes and events by subscribing to our free email newsletter, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.