Access Primary law on Fastcase!

Access primary law on Fastcase!
We understand your need for access to legal sources during this telecommuting season, so we are proud to offer remote access to Fastcase. All you need to do is call 951-368-0368 and receive the log-in information to begin your legal research.
Fastcase uses two platforms, Fastcase 6 and the newer Fastcase 7, and has a citator called “authority check.” Fastcase 7 offers access to secondary sources such as the expert witness database and law blogs. Keep in mind that certain secondary sources may not be accessible because they are not included in RCLL’s subscription. In Fastcase 7 you can also search for terms within the document you are viewing. You can search by jurisdiction or sources. Once you find the documents that meet your search query, you have the option to download, print or email. You can also share documents using the “public” link. The person receiving the link can view the document exactly as you would on the site, without logging-in to the site.
There are web tutorials and a user guide on the Homepage under “Help & Support” as well as the “Hotkeys” link which allows you to navigate the site without using a keyboard. For help with using FastCase, you can use the live chat feature or contact a library staff at RCLL.
To meet your legal information service needs during these challenging times our other remote services are:
– reference service via email, phone, FB messaging, and 24/7 AskNow;
– remote access to Nolo Publications on EbscoHost; and
– access to research guides and COVID 19 resources on our website.


Written by: Jenna Pontious, Public Services Librarian 


By rcll

April 02, 2020

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