MCLE Self-Study Materials

MCLE Digital Checkout

“Check out” a copy of a Digital MCLE title! Files will be sent via email with a certificate of attendance, an audio file, and a PDF of the program materials. Digital MCLE’s are only available for self study credit to RCLL library card holders. You can request 2 titles at a time and checkout 4 per month. Note: Self-study MCLE materials are provided by the San Fernando Valley Bar Association, provider #451
Request a Digital MCLE Title – New titles for 2023 have been added!


Our Main Library and Indio Branch have self-study materials available for check-out with a library card.

Riverside MCLE Title List – Updated May 2023

Indio MCLE Title List – Updated May 2023

Who can apply for a library card?

  • Members of the California State Bar that reside or practice in Riverside County
  • Riverside County active and retired judges

How many items can I check out?

  • One item at a time
  • Loan period- 1 week
  • Overdue items charged $1.00 per day




MCLE programs are scheduled every month throughout Riverside County that offer participatory MCLE credit. Take a look at our MCLE Classes webpage for upcoming programs.

Man at podium teaches class made up of seated attorneys