Victor Miceli Law Library Grand Reopening

Ceremony Program

Ceremony Program

RCLL Board President Jack Lucky w/ Presiding Justice Manuel Ramirez

RCLL Board President Jack Lucky w/ Presiding Justice Manuel Ramirez

RCLL Board President Jack Lucky w/ Riverside County CEO Jeff Van Wagenen

RCLL Board President Jack Lucky w/ Riverside County CEO Jeff Van Wagenen

Justice James Ward (Ret.) w/ Presiding Justice Manuel Ramirez

Justice James Ward (Ret.) w/ Presiding Justice Manuel Ramirez

Reserved seat for our guest of honor

Reserved seat for our guest of honor

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ Riverside County Supervisor Karen Spiegel

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ Riverside County Supervisor Karen Spiegel

Ceremony Guests

Ceremony Guests

Ramona High School MCJROTC opening the ceremony

Ramona High School MCJROTC opening the ceremony

RCLL Board President Jack Lucky giving his opening remarks

RCLL Board President Jack Lucky giving his opening remarks

Ceremony in Dept. 1 of the Riverside Historic Courthouse

Ceremony in Dept. 1 of the Riverside Historic Courthouse

Presiding Justice Manuel Ramirez giving his remarks

Presiding Justice Manuel Ramirez giving his remarks

Introducing Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero

Introducing Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero

Q&A moderated by RCLL Board VP Judge Jacqueline Jackson

Q&A moderated by RCLL Board VP Judge Jacqueline Jackson

Q&A w/ Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero

Q&A w/ Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero

Honorable Victor Miceli Portrait in Dept. 1

Honorable Victor Miceli Portrait in Dept. 1

RCLL Board President Jack Lucky receives a Certificate of Recognition of the Victor Miceli Law Library grand reopening from County Supervisor Karen Spiegel

RCLL Board President Jack Lucky receives a Certificate of Recognition of the Victor Miceli Law Library grand reopening from County Supervisor Karen Spiegel

Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes presents a Certificate of Recognition to RCLL Board President Jack Lucky

Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes presents a Certificate of Recognition to RCLL Board President Jack Lucky

RCLL Board President Jack Lucky presents Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ a recognition plaque

RCLL Board President Jack Lucky presents Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ a recognition plaque

RCLL Board President Jack Lucky presents Victor Miceli Jr. a recognition plaque

RCLL Board President Jack Lucky presents Victor Miceli Jr. a recognition plaque

Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes w/ Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero

Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes w/ Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero meets past RCBA Board President Sophia Choi

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero meets past RCBA Board President Sophia Choi

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ past RCBA Board President Sophia Choi and Jesse Male, Esq.

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ past RCBA Board President Sophia Choi and Jesse Male, Esq.

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ Justice James Ward (Ret.) and RCLL Board Member John Boyd, Esq.

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ Justice James Ward (Ret.) and RCLL Board Member John Boyd, Esq.

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ Justice James Ward (Ret.) and Victor Miceli Jr.

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ Justice James Ward (Ret.) and Victor Miceli Jr.

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ Assemblymember Bill Essayli

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ Assemblymember Bill Essayli

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ Presiding Justice Manuel Ramirez and guests

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ Presiding Justice Manuel Ramirez and guests

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ Past RCLL Board President Judge Michele Levine (Ret.)

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ Past RCLL Board President Judge Michele Levine (Ret.)

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ UCR Prof. Peter Mort and his Moot Court students

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ UCR Prof. Peter Mort and his Moot Court students

RCLL staff checking in RCLL Past Board Member Judge Gloria Trask (Ret.)

RCLL staff checking in RCLL Past Board Member Judge Gloria Trask (Ret.)

UCR Moot Court students

UCR Moot Court students

The blue ribbon at the entrance of the library

The blue ribbon at the entrance of the library

RCLL Past Board President Judge Michele Levine (Ret.) and RCLL Director Victoria Williamson cutting the ribbon

RCLL Past Board President Judge Michele Levine (Ret.) and RCLL Director Victoria Williamson cutting the ribbon

Ribbon cut! The law library is officially open!

Ribbon cut! The law library is officially open!

RCLL Past Board President Judge Michele Levine (Ret.) presents Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ a floral bouquet

RCLL Past Board President Judge Michele Levine (Ret.) presents Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ a floral bouquet

RCLL Board VP Judge Jacqueline Jackson and Riverside Superior Court Presiding Judge Judy Clarke

RCLL Board VP Judge Jacqueline Jackson and Riverside Superior Court Presiding Judge Judy Clarke

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ UCR Moot Court students

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ UCR Moot Court students

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ RCLL Board Member Judge Kira Klatchko and Jack Clarke, Esq.

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ RCLL Board Member Judge Kira Klatchko and Jack Clarke, Esq.

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ RCLL Board VP Judge Jacqueline Jackson and Riverside Superior Court Presiding Judge Judy Clarke

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ RCLL Board VP Judge Jacqueline Jackson and Riverside Superior Court Presiding Judge Judy Clarke

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ guests

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ guests

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ guests

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ guests

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ RCLL Law Librarians Andy Valencia and Michael Van Aken

Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero w/ RCLL Law Librarians Andy Valencia and Michael Van Aken

RCLL current and past Board of Trustees

RCLL current and past Board of Trustees

RCLL Staff w/ past Board President Judge Michele Levine (Ret.)

RCLL Staff w/ past Board President Judge Michele Levine (Ret.)

RCLL staff w/ past RCLL Board President Judge Michele Levine (Ret.)

RCLL staff w/ past RCLL Board President Judge Michele Levine (Ret.)